Category: 2015 Report

What Are Nonprofit Boards Concerned About in 2016?

Nonprofit Quarterly (March 11, 2016) On February 4, 2016, NPQ asked our readers to participate in a small “pulse” survey to surface some areas where BoardSource should ask questions in Leading with Intent, its big biennial survey. That is, we wanted to help BoardSource, our frequent collaborator, to tailor its questions to the current concerns… Read more »

What Nonprofits Can Learn From #OscarsSoWhite

Monisha Kapila, The Chronicle of Philanthropy (Feb. 25, 2016) As movie fans around the globe get ready to watch the Academy Awards this weekend, everyone in the nonprofit world should be paying attention to the #OscarsSoWhite campaign. The backlash against the all-white slate of nominees in the four acting categories exemplifies the lack of diversity… Read more »

Leading with Intent: a Call to Action for Nonprofits

Jeffrey Shields, National Business Officers Association (Dec. 2, 2015) A dynamic group of volunteers, a hard-working staff and a well-defined mission to which both groups are committed: This is the unique ideal of nonprofit governance, but it is not easily achieved. In fact, nonprofit leaders themselves give nonprofit boards a B-minus in overall performance, according… Read more »

Beyond the Traditional Junior Board: Ways to Turn Millennials Into Leaders

Rebecca Koenig, The Chronicle of Philanthropy (Aug. 27, 2015) Engaging millennials is a high priority for many nonprofits. These 20- and 30-somethings know how to use social media and care about doing good. And, of course, they will become the donors of the future. In order to capitalize on this potential, some… Read the full… Read more »

Board Performance Evaluated and Given B-

Julie Dappen, Map for Nonprofits (April 20, 2015) More than 800 nonprofit organizations in the United State participated in a study which evaluated nonprofit board performance and as a result, awarded boards a B- average. BoardSource, the organization which does this study each year, suggests the results are underwhelming considering board members are often thought… Read more »

Does Your Board Foster Inclusivity?

Marla Cornelius, CompassPoint (Feb. 20, 2015) Whether it’s stated explicitly or not, every board has a culture. Your board culture might be fostering good governance and supporting positive engagement or it might be hindering it. At the board level, culture is expressed in myriad ways, including, but not limited to how meetings …. Read the… Read more »

Training in Progress

Lalita Advani & Julia Chu, Stanford Social Innovation Review Most successful companies recognize the value of motivating employees to contribute their time and talent to benefit their community. Often, however, company leaders grapple with the question of how to maximize the benefits of corporate involvement in volunteer efforts of that kind…. Read the full article.