Tag: Assessing Performance

The Goldilocks Approach to Nonprofit Board Size: What Is “Just Right”?

Ruth McCambridge, Nonprofit Quarterly (Sept. 18, 2017) Among many interesting findings in BoardSource’s “Leading with Intent: 2017 National Index of Nonprofit Board Practices” report is a simple one on board size. Average board size has steadily declined over the past 20 years, as the chart below shows. It’s not clear whether this is due to… Read more »

The Declining Diversity of Nonprofit Boards and What to Do about It

The Editors, Nonprofit Quarterly (Sept. 14, 2017) With all the talk in recent years about diversity on nonprofit boards, you would think that nonprofits across the country might be prioritizing this issue, and by now we might see boards that are more representative of the populations they serve. Read the full article.

Why aren’t there more leaders of color in the nonprofit sector?

Tamara Lucas Copeland, President, Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, writes of how the reason for a lack of diverse leadership in nonprofit organizations may be due to unconscious bias and much more entrenched than we think. Read the full article.

7 Things You Can Do to Improve the Sad, Pathetic State of Board Diversity

Nonprofit and Friends (Sept. 7, 2017) BoardSource just released its report on board diversity, and the statistics are frustrating, disappointing, and somewhat anger-inducing. The lack of diversity on boards is no longer just annoying. It is a critical issue. Read the full article.

Nonprofit Boards Still Not Diverse, Report Finds

Philanthropy News Digest (Sept. 7, 2017) Nonprofit boards are no more diverse than they were two years ago and do not seem to be prioritizing diversity in their recruitment practices, a report from BoardSource finds. Read the full article.